Archive for February, 2010

Updated Trading Guidelines

February 28, 2010

I have updated our Official Trading Guidelines to include the use of the new Tracked Trades service. Together they give you the highest protection available online. Always use them when trading, buying or selling cards or miniatures on the web.

New tweets

February 16, 2010

I have added new tweets that are sent when the Card Reviews, Decks, and Dream Cards of the Week get selected, and when the monthly tournament winners are decided. Check

Share what you do with your friends!

February 16, 2010

I have added the toolbox to several section of the site so that people can easily bookmark them and share them with their friends and other communities. Users can now quickly share Card Reviews, Decks, Dream Cards, and even online games played on the site. They can also share their public pages. There are hundreds of social networks available to use from the toolbox:

See an example here.

New buttons to transfer items from your haves to your collection and viceversa

February 13, 2010

I have finally implemented a little feature that may be helpful when deciding how many copies of a card or miniature to keep for your private collection and how many to offer for trades.
Now, instead of having to manually enter a higher number in one column and the correspondingly lower number in the other, you can just click on the corresponding arrow button to transfer items from ‘Your Collection’ to your ‘For Trade’ column, or the other way around.
Hopefully this little thing won’t come in the way of anyone and will be helpful in lots of occasions.

New buttons/links to transfer items from your collection to your haves for trade and viceversa

New buttons/links to transfer items from your collection to your haves for trade and viceversa

Battle Spirits online

February 4, 2010

I have added a new game for trading and also to play online: Battle Spirits TCG

Battle Spirits TCG available online to trade and play!

Battle Spirits TCG available online to trade and play!