Heralds responsabilities

These are all the activities Heralds may perform to help with their respective games. Hopefully they will be able to take care of all these things, always within their possibilities.

Help maintain our database of cards updated (see instructions here):

  • Gather the spoiler, or full card data, for each new expansion set, before or around the time it becomes available.
  • Correct any possible wrong data, or missing cards, from our current lists, and maintain our list of promotional cards updated in a timely manner.

Act as moderator in the corresponding forum:

  • Visit it daily and read the new posts, making sure they follow our guidelines and removing any foul language or inappropriate topics.
  • Encourage the activity on the forum by posting interesting topics and replying promptly to messages from other users.
  • Add new posts about any news that happen in that game’s world, like rules changes, new game mechanics, errata, interesting new cards, tournaments, etc. These topics may be marked as ‘Sticky’ so that they stay at the top of the forum. Please notice that if you take the news from other sources, you must either mention the source, or rephrase the information with your own words.

Handle the feedback from other users:

  • You’ll probably get more messages from other users who will contact you as our Herald and expert of the game. You should reply promptly and politely. You may want to derive these conversations to the forum for all other users to benefit from them. BTW, if you receive messages from other users in Spanish, we can translate them for you. If other languages are used, you should request the user to resend the message in English.
  • I will send you any feedback and suggestions we receive that are specific to your game so that you give us your opinion and evaluate its relevance.

Help promote the site so more people join our community:

  • Mention the site and its advantages to colleagues, at shops, tournaments, etc.
  • Include the site url (or your trader page url) on your email and forum signatures.
  • Notify us about related web sites with which we can exchange links.

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