Archive for March, 2010

Become our fan on Facebook!

March 26, 2010

We have now a Facebook page.
Check it out and become a fan!

You will stay updated of everything that happens on our sites and can also contribute your ideas and suggestions.

And remember you can also follow us on Twitter:

Access your favorites

March 19, 2010

When viewing Card Reviews, Decks, and Dream Cards, you can now get a list of your favorite ones with just a click. The new option lets you list those contributions that you have given a high rating (you have voted them with a 4 or a 5). This way you can easily go back to your favorite reviews, decks or dream cards at any moment.

Favorites option on the search form

Favorites option on the search form

So, keep voting for your favorite items and come back to them often to discuss them with others!

More realistic trade binders

March 14, 2010

When browsing your trade and collector binders the amount and name of the cards are shown below the actual cards. I have now added the option to hide this info so that there is more space available for the cards themselves and so that the binder looks even more real.

An example of a trade binder of Magic cards with card names hidden

An example of a trade binder of Magic cards with card names hidden

Cleaner look

March 6, 2010

I have slightly changed the look of the sites. It’s not a big change, but it’s a tiny bit more colorful and cleaner, and internally more standard so that in the future will allow for the addition of different graphical themes for the users to choose from.

Change in the look of the site.

Before and After