Archive for April, 2012

Improved card shuffling algorithm

April 18, 2012

In our efforts to faithfully reproduce a real gaming environment on our virtual tables, we have improved the deck shuffling technique so that it now truly produces a completely random new order of the cards after just one single shuffle.

Deck contextual menu

When you press “shuffle” in a deck’s contextual menu, what you get is in fact a sequence of seven riffle shuffles followed by a cut. With a single action you quickly get your deck completely randomized.

Remember: you don’t need to press “shuffle” more than once. With just one click you get a perfectly shuffled deck.

Remember: your decks are also perfectly randomized at the start of each game, so you don’t need to shuffle them, but can start playing right away.

More games to play online!

April 6, 2012

Our family of games keep growing and lately we have made it possible to play online for several new games:

Why don’t you try a new game today?