Archive for the ‘News’ Category

Tha chat rooms are back!

August 11, 2009

After some thought and consideration, I have reopened the chat rooms, but this time, to prevent all the problems that they caused me in the past, I’m limiting their access to Premium members. This way I expect to avoid kids getting into the chat rooms just to bother others.
I haven’t created a menu option just for the chat rooms because they may not end up being very popular, in which case they can remain as links in other sections without standing in the way.

chat rooms at Trade Cards Online

chat rooms at Trade Cards Online

Look who’s voting!

July 21, 2009

I had received multiple complaints about people voting unfairly on the site in order to get their own Card Reviews or Decks to get the first position. Even though only registered users with confirmed email addresses can vote, and only once, I have finally decided it makes sense to make the votes public and visible so that everybody knows who has voted for what, when and which value. Now you can list the votes details and sort them by date, user name or value:

Detailed list of votes received by a Card Review

Detailed list of votes received by a Card Review

More tables to play online

July 1, 2009

I had been receiving a lot of requests to increase the number of available tables in the gaming rooms. As the server can only handle a given number of concurrent games, I have decided to increase the number of tables but to limit their use so that Premium members (who pay for the servers and actually maintain the site economically) have preference. Now, when all the ‘normal’ tables are occupied, Premium members will still be able to challenge other players (either Premium or not) to a game.
This way everyone has more chances to be able to play, alleviating the reported problem, and at the same time they are encouraged to become Premium.
Let’s see how this works out…

More references details

July 1, 2009

When showing a user’s references, only those from active users were been listed and just the total of those from inactive users were indicated. Now I’m also detailing each of these references from old, inactive users so that we can see on what date they were granted and from which country.
I have also changed the sorting to be by date (instead of by user name) so that most recent references are on top and it is much easier to check if they are spread through a long period or if they are too concentrated in time.
In the ‘references’ section, I am also listing now the references you have received next to those you have given, also sorted by date.

Small card/miniature image displayed next to cursor

April 12, 2009

I have added a small feature that can be nice and handy for lists of cards. When you place your cursor over the name of a card, a small image of the card (when available) appears next to your cursor. This way you can identify the card better without having to click on it to open its own page. This new behavior is available in every list of cards: cards in a set, results of a card search, haves and wants of any user, etc.
Of course, the same works for miniatures at Miniature Trading and

A small image of the card being displayed next to the cursor

A small image of the card being displayed next to the cursor

Automatic image generation for dream cards

April 12, 2009

I have added the option, when creating Dream Cards, to generate the corresponding image for the card with the provided data. It effectively generates a “card scan” of the virtual cards.

I have made it initially only for Magic and Yu-Gi-Oh!, as it takes some time and effort to create the templates for each card type and card elements. I will try and add it for more games if people request it a lot.

Examples of Magic-style and YuGiOh-style dream card images

CCG-style business cards

March 25, 2009

I have implemented a little fun application that allows users to design and print a “business card” with their data in the form of a collectible card. The user customizes the card by choosing their favorite game, the type of card and providing an optional image, and the system builds and displays the card image.

The card displays the following information about the user:

  • Their user name,
  • the URL of their public web page,
  • the number of references they currently have
  • the number of years they have been registered on the site
  • the exact date they registered
  • any image they want to upload and include in the card

Here are a couple of examples:

Magic-style business card at TCO

Magic-style business card at TCO

Naruto-style business card

Naruto-style business card

Pokemon-style business card

Pokemon-style business card

The Trade Cards Online Tournaments have started!

March 5, 2009

The Online Tournaments are here!

All games played online on our virtual gaming rooms can be part of a monthly tournament where points are granted automatically based on games played, games results and who your opponents are. Check the simple rules here.

Scores and ranking of the Online Yu-Gi-Oh! Tournament

Scores and ranking of the Online Yu-Gi-Oh! Tournament

New games: Blue Dragon RPCG and Dragonball CCG

February 4, 2009

I have added two new games, Blue Dragon Role Playing Card Game and Dragonball CCG. All the features are available immediately for both games: trading, buying and selling, keeping track of your collection, trader binders and collector binders, card reviews, dream cards, deck building, forums, and even online play!
This has been possible thanks to user chibionineko, who gathered all the data for the existing cards and sent also the card scans. He has also volunteered to be our Herald for those new games.


Blue Dragon Role Playing Game at Trade Cards Online

Blue Dragon Role Playing Game at Trade Cards Online

Dragonball Collectible Card Game at Trade Cards Online

Dragonball Collectible Card Game at Trade Cards Online

New online games: World of Warcraft and Digimon Digi-battle

January 30, 2009

I have added two new online games so now people can play World of Warcraft online and Digimon Digi-battle online. This means there will also be monthly online tournaments for these two games.


A game of WoW being played online at Trade Cards Online

A game of WoW being played online at Trade Cards Online